Soar Above with SkyHighFun

SkyHighFun offers exhilarating hot air balloon rides across Canada, providing stunning aerial views of landscapes, cities, and events. 

Scenic Landscape Flights

Float over beautiful natural landscapes, enjoying panoramic views that stretch for miles in every direction.

City Skyline Tours

See the city from a new perspective as you drift peacefully above its bustling streets and iconic landmarks.

Sunrise and Sunset Flights

Catch the sunrise or sunset from the best seat in the house, with the horizon stretching out below you.

Festival Fly-Overs

Experience the vibrancy of local festivals from above, a unique way to partake in the festivities.

Book Your Balloon Ride

Choose from a variety of hot air balloon rides, each offering a unique view and experience.

Standard Flight

A shared balloon ride that offers a cost-effective way to enjoy the thrill of hot air ballooning. 


Exclusive Couple’s Flight

A private ride for two, perfect for special occasions like anniversaries or marriage proposals. 


Family Adventure Flight

Take the whole family on a memorable flight that kids and adults alike will cherish. 


About SkyHighFun

At SkyHighFun, we're passionate about providing unique and unforgettable aerial experiences. Our hot air balloon rides are safe, fun, and perfect for all ages, making them an ideal way to celebrate, propose, or simply enjoy a day out. 

Get in Touch with SkyHighFun